I hate posting blogs back to back but I just had an eye opening experience, the weather. It’s early February and San Francisco is currently 62 degrees Fahrenheit outside with sunny blue skies and only a hint of wind. New York City, on the other hand, is just below zero at 28 degrees Fahrenheit with reports of heavy wind and overcast skies. I know that I have to take into account the fact that it is currently early evening in San Francisco as I write this and three hours later in New York, but it still blows my mind. I grew up with four seasons, assuming that the rest of the country did the same. As a reward for school starting I got to drive to upstate Connecticut with my parents looking at the beautiful foliage ending at an apple farm picking more apples than a family of four could possibly eat. For December break I dug my sled out of the garage and went sledding down the hill at Innis Arden, almost always ending up in the stream from lack of using the breaks on my bright orange plastic sled. When my birthday rolled around in Mid-April the crocuses were just starting to sprout up around town and the first Robbins could be spotted among the tress, returning from their vacations to warmer climates in the snowy months. Finally, when I graduated from another grade in school, generally in mid-June, the humidity would turn my hair into one giant fro. Those were my seasons. I loved it and had no idea that other parts of the country were missing out on the bitter cold winter months and hot and humid summers. That is until I moved to California.
San Francisco comes close to having seasons especially with the raw and rainy months that slowly change into sun and heat, but lately those changes have been absent. To be completely honest, I love it. I can’t even begin to explain the happiness I feel when I roll out of bed, open my window and see blue skies and a big bright sun shining happily; especially when I think of the snow that still blankets my friends on the east coast.
Don’t get me wrong snow is beautiful to look at, but it’s also freezing to be in, dangerous to drive in and gets incredibly ugly in New York City thanks to the wonderful traffic and congestion.
This is a photo shot yesterday of San Francisco:
And here's a poor quality video shot with my phone...